Workers Compensation Attorney

February 2, 2019

Workers’ Compensation: What to Do After Being Injured on the Job

Connecticut designed its workers’ compensation system to cover all injuries or illnesses that might occur in the course of one’s employment. Workers’ compensation supposedly covers all […]
December 2, 2018

Connecticut Worker’s Compensation Settlements

If you are injured on the job, wading through state worker’s compensation laws in Connecticut regarding your entitlement to compensation can be a complicated process. You […]
May 5, 2018

Worker’s Compensation – Potential Awards and Settlements

    If you injured yourself while performing duties due to your employment, i.e. while at the workplace, driving as a condition of employment, etc., you […]
February 16, 2018

Why Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

In need of a workers' compensation attorney? workers' compensation is a type of insurance that gives employees who have been injured on the job the compensation […]
October 1, 2017

An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You

Going through life's repetitive routine, you wake up each day, you go to work, eat lunch, go to the meeting, drive home in traffic, etc., repeat […]
November 1, 2016

Speak with a Worker’s Compensation Attorney and Get More for Your Injuries

You may be leaving money on the table unless you work with a worker’s compensation attorney. Worker’s compensation laws are designed to provide a way for […]
April 28, 2016

How a Worker’s Compensation Attorney Can Help You

A workers compensation attorney can help you by ensuring that you are treated fairly and that you receive the financial compensation you deserve. As one, we […]
December 1, 2015

A Workers Compensation Attorney Can Protect Your Rights

If you have been injured on the job, having a workers compensation attorney on your side is a wise idea. Workplace injuries are incredibly common. Whether […]